We believe every child is born with potential to succeed. But faced with adversity, the opportunity to change the trajectory of their lives is limited. A mentor empowers them to realize their biggest possible future. To strive for goals they once believed out of their control. To achieve their full potential.
The Community Based Mentoring Program is the traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters one-to-one mentoring model that matches McHenry County children ages 6-18 with an adult mentor, a Big!
Lunch Time Mentors meet with their Little one day per week during the child's lunch hour at a local elementary or middle school, and commit to the relationship for a minimum of one school year.
In this program, the Bigs are high school students volunteering their time to mentor a child ages 6-13.
This program serves Mentees up to age age 24 and their Mentors with additional support and guidance in helping Mentees make educational and career decisions.